Microsoft Portfolio for AI

Comprehensive suite of services that are fully integrated and highly scalable to meet the requirements for all Machine Learning use cases. 

Machine Learning Platform

The platform is built with the both Python and R data scientist in mind from ground up. It comes pre-installed with all of the common IDEs as well as full integration with VSCode. Further, it serves both code-first as well as GUI first Data Scientist. Finally, it contains a comprehensive MLOps platform to fully automate the training, deployment and monitoring of models.  

Automated Machine Learning 

With Automated Machine Learning, training tens of thousands of models can be done in a few hours using the ParallelRunStep. AutoML allows for training classification, regression, forecasting, image classification, and text classification tasks.

Machine Learning Operations 

The platform provides complete MLOps capabilities for multiple level environments (Dev, QA, Production) and integration with DevOps, Git, Terraform.